A Safe Place to Explore
 Questions About Life and God

What God Offers

Let’s take one problem off your list.

As a leader, you know that believers are supposed to share Jesus with nonbelievers. But in today's culture, talking about God isn't easy.

Believers don’t want to come across as pushy.

Or risk their relationship with a friend, relative, or co-worker...or with anyone.

And no one wants to be pinned by tough questions from some hostile atheist, or having their faith shaken in the process.

When I was an atheist, I did not make it easy on my believing friend. I understand why so many believers stay silent.

Yet, they don’t need to dodge the topic of God or spend months building a relationship with a nonbeliever before they feel they can mention Jesus.

There are easy ways to help nonbelievers know God.

In fact, God led me to create a site for nonbelievers that’s seeing more than 2,500 people each day ask Jesus into their lives.

Over the years, I’ve trained thousands of believers in how to have easy conversations with nonbelievers that are comfortable for both of them. Nonbelievers usually thank the person for talking with them.

This training is in a free email series, What God Offers, that believers can sign up for on their own. No meetings. Just an email that comes to them every few days.

BEST PART: You only have to announce it. Nothing else required of you.

When they signup (only their email address is needed) they will receive this series, nothing else. No product offers or requests for donations. Nothing. And there’s an unsubscribe link on each email in the series.

What God Offers gives them:

  • Easy ways to begin comfortable, short conversations about God.
  • How they can discover what they know to be true about God...their life message.
  • Examples of real-life conversations with nonbelievers.
  • How EveryStudent.com can be their safety net.
  • Ways they can help atheists and the uninterested.

Believers who have been through this training have said:

“I am smiling as I read this. It is awesome. Now I have some idea how I should interact with unbelievers.”

“This is a fantastic resource. I will be using it.”

“I am sooo grateful for the emails u have been sending to me. Words cannot express how happy n grateful i am."

"You said, ‘I honestly think that through this, you’ll discover an exciting new dimension in your relationship with God.’ Wow, you hit the nail on the head. My relationship with God is a new dimension, I no longer have doubts. This was the best thing that ever happened to me spiritually…thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“No words can describe how beneficial your emails have been towards my spiritual growth and my journey with Jesus Christ.”

Again, you only have to announce it. Believers will individually sign up on their own.

We have prepared for you:

And here’s the signup page for them.

This is currently free to you. It would be great to hear that you're offering What God Offers to your church or organization.

Below is a form you could fill out. It arrives directly to me. Your email address will not be shared. Feel free to ask any questions, and I will personally reply.

I hope you announce this. I think you'll find believers come alive as they see God bring nonbelievers their way, and they know how to easily, comfortably help them know him.


Marilyn Adamson
director of EveryStudent.com / EveryPerson.com
and StartingwithGod.com

Please fill out the form below:

Name of your Church or Organization:




Phone (optional):

Your name:

Your email address:

I'm going to encourage believers to sign up:
yes maybe no

Any question or comment?