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Do You Know God?  (3:35)

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. Yet he loves God. Why?

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Video transcript:

Do you know God? Do you know God as, what, who? What does He do for you? Why is He interested in us? Why would He ever have the time of day to listen to my prayer? Who am I compared to God, the creator of the universe? The alpha and omega. It's a big thought.

For me, God is everything. For me, there were many times in my life where I did not have peace in my life. And seeking the answers for many questions. And, of course, being born without limbs, asked God, why did this happen.

You know, we always talk to God more on a bad day. We ask God for things, we thank God for things, but do you get to know Him? Do you talk to Him apart from just asking Him for things, because if I had a friend, and I just called him up when I needed him, that's not really a friendship.

Did you know that He is excited to hear from you? Do you know that you were on His mind before the Earth began and he formed you in your mother's womb. That was such an amazing peace that I had at 15 years old. To know that I finally had someone who was going to be with me through it all. Who knows all my circumstances, who's bigger than my circumstances, not like my parents. My parents loved me, my parents were there for me, they were not going to leave me at all. But they couldn't change anything. And they couldn't heal my heart.

But God did. How cool is that, that he loves me so much that he sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. Who am I that God would ever want to even talk to me, let alone let His son die for me. Jesus Christ, He died for my sins. But John 3:16 says God came and saved the world; He rescued us by sending His son Jesus Christ.

In verse 17, it says that Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save us. And when the world thinks, well, oh, well Jesus is now the only way to truth and life, yeah, it's because He is the only one who died for our sins. He's the only one who claimed that He was God in the flesh, He's the only holy one. He was the only one who faced the devil, face to face, and won. He was the only one who could raise Himself from the dead, and when I believe in God, and receive Him as my lord and get to know Him as my friend, that same spirit of God that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, will raise me up from the dead. How cool is that?

I'm not gonna die, I may take my last breath here on Earth, but I have confidence in Him. Not only for salvation, but for comfort, for strength. And I can actually talk to Him. I might be good to you, but compared to God? Who's Nick Vujicic? No one. I might be good compared to some other people, but how good is good and how bad is bad, that's why we bring out the Bible and we say, "OK, let's not compare ourselves to each other. Let's compare ourselves to God."

Well, if we do that, we've got a little bit of a problem. If you think that having no arms and no legs is a problem, not knowing God is a bigger problem. And I want you to know that it's not too late. Yeah, tomorrow's not promised, but you have today.

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